How to create a morning routine

Even if we’re not consciously aware of it, every single one of us has a morning routine of some sort; we all have things we do each morning. The question is: does your routine set you up for a great day? Or is it draining your energy before the day has even begun?

Lots of podcasts, self-development folks and experts in their fields often attribute a strong, consistent morning routine as one of the secrets to their success. In Ayurveda, your daily routine, or dinacharya, is how we prepare, armour and anchor ourselves so that we can flow through the day and be well equipped to handle what comes our day. This means then that the practices we engage with each morning hold great power in either leading us towards or away from how we’d like to feel in our day-to-day life.

People often ask me how to create a morning routine, and these are my top tips. I’ve shared a simple Ayurvedic routine before that you can use as a jumping off point, however each of us have different, needs, schedules, capacities and requirements. Check those out for some inspiration when it comes to incorporating nourishing morning practices, but keep reading for more general yet very specific tips on how to craft a morning routine that you love, and one that helps YOU thrive.

5 tips to create your perfect morning routine

1 Start small

Don’t go from zero to hero overnight. Add practices gradually and take time to integrate each one so it feels easy and natural. People often try to go from waking up at 8:30 am with a cup of coffee to waking at 5 am and doing 30 different practices before they start work, and it pretty much always leads to overwhelm. Lasting habits take time to build and your mind and body need time to integrate them. You also need time to discern and gather data as to whether a particular practice is right for you!

Pick one thing you’d like to incorporate, spend some time adding it in, then add something else and so on. A great place to start is by gradually adjusting your wake up time. Bring the time back in 10 minute intervals over a few weeks until you’re waking up at the time you’d like to – just make sure you’re adjusting your bed time too! This is a great one to start with, as it’s opening up the actual time and space for you to then be able to add in a few chosen nourishing practices.

2 Keep it simple & add wisely

You don’t need a 50-step routine full of practices that don’t suit your lifestyle. Prioritise the things that have the most impact and ditch the rest. I have meditation clients who are busy mums, and even if they only have 10–30 minutes to themselves, they still add in what they can. There’s nothing like life’s demands to make your prioritise what practices are genuinely important, so use any constraints or challenges you may have as an opportunity to get crystal clear on which practices matter most.

3 Forget perfection

Some days it won’t all happen. This isn’t a sign to throw in the towel. It’s a sign of life. Get up and keep going the next day. A good morning routine is not one that you do without a hiccup. If you’ve done your best, it’s a success. If you’re finding it repeatedly hard to get the practices in that you’d like, then use it as an opportunity to refine and re-jig where necessary.

4 Choose things you love

Routines you don’t enjoy won’t last long. Choose practices because they energise and light YOU up – not because someone else does them. That influencer on Instagram might love doing a cold plunge every morning at 4 am, but if it doesn’t light you up or make you feel good, don’t do it!

5 Be present

A morning routine you blitz through blindly isn’t a supportive one. Take your time to savour and appreciate each practice – that is where the power lies. A thoughtful morning routine encourages us to practice mindfulness; it gives us space – before we have to turn our energy outward – to direct our consciousness inward, and fill our own cup first.

I hope this offers some guidance in helping you design a dreamy morning routine that lights you up and sets a positive tone for your day. If you found this helpful, get in touch at – I’d love to hear from you.

If you’re keen to add a daily meditation practice into your morning routine, come along and join one of our Vedic meditation courses – 20 minutes of meditation each morning is without a doubt one of the most potent ways you could begin your day.


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